HOLISTIC DIGITAL MARKETINGAUTHORSShenki TyagiABSTRACTIntroduction: Author has focused on Holistic Digital Marketing where the thought of Digital marketing showcasing has widened the vision among the all-encompassing advertising idea believes that all sort of a business ought to have a similar objective. That objective includes making an incredible client experience and building a positive brand picture, thus holistic digital marketing is an apt solution for all. Purpose: Settling on choices about the beginning of era dependent on AI which ought not supplant crafted by advertisers or sponsors. It is here to release their actual vital and imaginative potential. For a business leaders and advertisers, the opportunity has arrived to distinguish the issues confronting the business or the promoting effort, and how precise thoughts can tackle these issues. This review talks about how Holistic computerized promoting could influence to viable of showcasing methodologies, shows genuine instances of utilizing Digital advertising devices, and how organizations could expand their benefit. Methodology: The author gave the foundations of holistic digital marketing promoting reference to the ventures and techniques organizations are planning in making advanced advertising more steady by utilizing investigation strategies with the assistance of auxiliary information and distributed reports and instances of the Holistic advanced showcasing in different spaces. Findings: This Chapter characterizes holistic digital marketing promoting by inspecting what it is—and will be. We recognize key patterns applicable to advanced promoting, for example, an advance toward information driven showcasing correspondence, the effect of man-made reasoning on ad creation, and the impact of comprehensive computerized advertising on different missions and its use. Keywords: Digital Marketing, Holistic Marketing, SEO, Digital StrategyDOI: https://doi.org/...