CONTENT MARKETING - KNOW HOW?AUTHORSManish Kumar & Manavi GilotraABSTRACTContent marketing is a digital marketing technique that focuses on creating relevant and valuable content for customers on a consistent basis and distributing it through various available media. If we can emphasise, we can see the word ‘valuable’ before the content. This speaks volumes about the significance of content. Content marketing is not a new concept in the world, but the strategies for creating and distributing content have evolved. The rise and emergence of new media platforms, which are now a major source of content consumption, have compelled marketers to revise their strategies. This paper discusses various strategies that can be used to maximise the benefits of the content. Most data are wasted and not chosen by users if it is not delivered at the right time and through the right mediums.
Keywords: Content Marketing, Content Marketing Funnel, Search Engine, Reader PersonaDOI: https://doi.org/...