REDEFINING STP IN DIGITAL MARKETINGAUTHORSPawan KumarABSTRACTThe whole world is affected by pandemic but as said that every cloud has a silver lining .It depends on the world how it perceive the things, which are happening around them. The buying process of the consumer is also affected during and post pandemic, now they are more conservative in their buying behavior concerned more about their life rather than brand and luxury products. So companies are required to work on how the products should be segmented, targeted and how people think about the positioning of the product in their mind. So role of the segmentation, Targeting, Positioning in today’s era is very important for the business through the digital marketing and how people are influenced with different factors it may be education, Technology, reference group and how they are socially active on various on line platform. This gives a number of options, liberty to compare the product and time saving also. In Digital Marketing which is based on Information system and it runs electronically which gives a power to consumer for getting a complete information about the product so it gives a confidence in consumer for the right choice it not only help the consumer but help to Marketers also. Digital Marketing work for 24x7 hour without any limitation and boundaries. Prices can be comparing easily along with it has endless reach anywhere in the world. Digital marketing is the today’s requirement as our education system and technology are developing day by day. So it is the easiest way to lock choices and persuade to others also to raise the living standard. Digital Marketing gives you a personal window so you can have your own store where you can make a list of products and it is up to us when and where we have to buy. Keyword: Digital Marketing, Segmentation, Targeting, Positioning, Consumer BehaviorDOI: https://doi.org/...