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Go Vocal for Local: Make in India

ISBN: 978-93-91681-81-4 | Format: Hardcover | Genre: Commerce and Management | Other Details

The new dimension of ‘Make in India’ is gaining shape through the emerging ideology of ‘Vocal for Local’. It has become the guiding spirit in realizing the dream of self-reliant India. Mr. Narendra Modi, Hon’ble Prime Minister of India has put forward a dream of ‘Atinanirithar Bharal’ relying on Vocal for Local. The concept is gaining pace and has evolved as a tool to compete with China. It has given an impetus to exports and has created psychological barriers on import from China. This book is an outcome of ...rigorous hard work towards establishing the pros and cons of `Vocal for Local’ philosophy. This book puts together, the initiatives taken by our Government in attracting multi-national companies to establish their plants and offices in India. The book establishes the relationships among factors responsible for nourishing developed and increased economic growth rates and how the enhanced economic performance leads to the generation of employment, declination of poverty and sustainable development of human beings. Economic, expansion must be both socially inclusive and regionally equitable, according to the book. The investment should be more in rural and suburban areas so as to increase the rural employment, rising public spending on education and health care. The scale of the growth in expenditure on social sectors and rural development in recent years has been truly remarkable. This book has a clear focus and will certainly be able to motivate the people in realizing their duties and responsibilities to create ‘Atinanirbhar Bharat’ as sound citizens of India.

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