About the Book Environmental Science provides an overview of how science affects our environment. We focus on interactions between the solid Earth, its water, its air and its living organisms, and on dynamic, interdependent relationships between these four components. Environmental Science is an interdisciplinary field that combines aspects of Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Ecology, Geography, Zoology, Mineralogy, Oceanography, Soil Science, Geology, and to study the nature of the environment, its problems and solutions. Environmental science is the study of the interactions between physical, chemical and biological components of the Earth's natural environment. These components include energy, agriculture, water and air. Environmental science closely examines the human impact on the environment. Environmental science promotes the study and understanding of natural and human-caused processes in our natural environment. ... By researching and investigating complex environmental issues, students develop and enhance essential skills such as critical thinking, problem-solving, and creative thinking. Renewable Energy. Urban Ecology. Remote Sensing and Geographic Information Systems. Bioremediation. Noise and Light Pollution. Limnology. Conservation Biology. Environmental Justice. By reading this book, a reader can get the technical, practical, and theoretical skills. Technical skills Conduct research and fieldwork of the soil, sediments, and groundwater Develop policies and procedures for preventing and managing environmental issues Offer guidance on reducing environmental and health risks to public, private, and government agencies Practical skills Data management and processing Software skills for basic and applied sciences Communication for collaboration and dissemination Theoretical skills Scientific method Scientific theory Scientific laws.