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Home > Encyclopedia of Indian Banking Industry: E-Delivery Channels of Banks

Encyclopedia of Indian Banking Industry: E-Delivery Channels of Banks

ISBN: 978-81-19079-72-8 | Format: Hardcover | Genre: Commerce and Management | Other Details

Transformation is a dynamic processes during which all known tenors undergo metamorphosis. It is a fluid state with an uncertain outcome. Due to its fluidity, it is difficult to determine its course. The significant transformation of the banking industry in India is clearly evident from changes that have occurred in the financial markets, institutions and products. These developments have facilitated greater choice for consumers, who have ...become more demanding and thus, compelling the banks to offer a broader range of products through diverse distribution channels. New private sector banks and foreign banks have leveraged the internet effectively and are expected to take away the customers from public sector banks thereby increasing their revenue potential. Thus, a serious threat of inequality between the public and private sector banks may creep in the years to come, if not the days.

There are some glaring differences between the public and private or foreign sector banks operative in India. Firstly, the public sector banks are bearing the burden of mounting non-performing assets. Hence, it won’t be an easy task for the public sector banks to immediately adopt all the e-banking measures that are adopted by the new private or foreign banks. Further, in context of the reach towards the masses, public sector banks have more branches than the private of foreign banks. Not only this, branches of public sector banks operative in rural areas face another challenge of mass illiteracy and non availability of internet connectivity along with highly intervallic power supply. Since, private and foreign banks, by and large, open their branches in urban, hence their chances to outstrip the public sector banks stand bright. Besides, trade unions which are quite strong in case of public sector banks are also obstructing the introduction of rampant use of e-banking channels. Keeping in mind these factors, it becomes obvious that private and foreign banks may out show the public sector banks but lack of confidence of people in private and foreign banks is ruining all their hopes. Precisely, when it comes to the confidence of the consumers, they are still hopeful that trusted and safe banking can only be imparted through public sector banks. Private and foreign sector banks are yet to gain the confidence of Indian consumers by opening more and more branches (particularly in the rural areas) along with the use of e-banking channels. Besides, it has often been reported that excessive attrition rate in private sector banks is not letting the loyalty develop between the bankers and customers. Contrary, staff in the public sector banks once appointed continues to serve the customers for a long period of time. Thus, the pros and cons on both the sides (public and private or foreign banks) may not let the banking business get skewed.

In addition to this, also it needs to be determined if the use of e-banking is bringing any change in the productivity and profitability of banks or not. Since the use of e-banking channels is an expensive proposition for the banks, its effect (in terms of productivity and profitability) on different types of banks, may it be ordinary public sector banks, merged public sector banks, old private sector banks, new private sector banks and foreign banks need to be analyzed properly. Furthermore, the factors which are responsible for transformation towards e-banking are also required to be identified so that bare minimum e-banking services may be offered by all types of banks to sustain in this era of cut throat competition. Thus, it calls for a 360 degree analysis to gauge the usage of e-banking services in the banking sector. The present study is an attempt in this direction. We have endeavored to find out the factors that are responsible for changing the manual banking systems towards e-banking, the impact of e-services on productivity and profitability of banks, customers and employees perceptions towards e-banking and the challenges that e-delivery channels are facing. The present book analysis’s how bank transformation is taking place in all types banks with e-delivery channels.

This Encyclopedia is very useful not only for the banking people or banking regulators but for all the finance teachers, academicians, researchers and all those who are even curious about banking area studies. In the part - B many research papers have included related to e-delivery channels.

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